Monday, January 23, 2012

Abortion: As American as Apple Pie

This past Sunday, January 22, was the 39th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in “Roe v. Wade” to legalize abortion. Aborting a child is now one of our country’s most common surgical procedures. The stats are staggering: as many as one out of three women will have at least one abortion. In some cities the number of abortions greatly exceeds the number of live births. Since 1973, when abortion became legal, more than 50 million babies have been killed. Are you ready? That is a rate of over 3,000 a day.

 Some people have tried to bring a level of compromise between those who are “pro-choice” (who advocate abortion) and those who are pro-life (those who oppose abortion). As I see it a compromise is doomed. Those who oppose abortion believe the central issue is the child’s right to live. Those who support abortion take their stand on a woman’s unrestricted right to choose. Where’s the middle ground?

 A compromise would mean that those who are pro-life will have to accept the deaths of some children. And those who are pro-choice will have to accept that some decisions to abort are wrong. But when is it right to terminate a baby’s life? Some would say that it may be necessary to abort a life in the case of rape. I understand the evil of rape, but what evil has the baby done? A number of studies show that the main reason for having an abortion is an unwanted pregnancy due to faulty contraception.

 Merle Hoffman is a staunch defender of abortion rights. She is the founder of “Choices” a major center for abortion in New York City. She has written a book titled “Intimate Wars” about her struggle advocating for abortion rights. For Ms. Hoffman abortion is the ultimate act of empowering women. She states, “The act of abortion positions women at their most powerful, and that is why it is so strongly opposed by many in society.”

 For Ms. Hoffman life is not sacred. She defends abortion in bold language as a “decision so vital it was worth stopping the heart.” She claims that “Abortion is as American as apple pie.” Hoffman asserts that “the shame” of abortions “would be removed” if women would only speak of their abortions as they speak of “a bikini wax.” To be fair Merle Hoffman does oppose one form of abortion. She finds the abortion of female babies in order to have more male babies a “troubling practice” even while defending a women’s right to choose.

 A recent Gallop Poll (July 2011) shows that many Americans do not support abortion on demand. And more and more simply believe it is wrong—period. One such person is “Roe” herself, Norma McCorvey. Norma never appeared in court on this issue and never understood the implications of the debate until long after the Court’s decision. She has publicly repudiated what “Roe v. Wade” stands for and has called for its reversal.  

 Ok, so what about you? Where do you stand and what shall you do? As a Christian I believe that life is sacred. The Bible declares that we are “fearfully and wonderfully made” and that God sees our “substance, being yet unformed (Psalm 139:14, 15).” The Bible teaches “Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, The fruit of the womb is a reward (Psalm 127:3).” I have a son, whom I dearly love, who was saved from abortion when his birth mother lovingly and sacrificially offered him for adoption.

 Life is precious. Let’s teach this truth. Let us teach the blessings of a godly marriage and the beauty of having a family. Let us treat each other like we believe that life is precious. Let us offer those who have had an abortion love and forgiveness. And let us find ways to support those who are troubled by a pregnancy so that a life is not lost.


  1. This blog has encouraged me to speak up more when the topic of abortion comes up. There truly is no compromise when it's a matter of life and death

  2. I am frankly a bit ashamed of my feelings you have brought up to the surface. This topic is one that I find harder and harder to avoid when asked my view. Thank you for having the power and love to speak honestly from your heart. You are a GREAT man of GOD thank you.
